
Welcome to the Horizon CDT student blogsite.  We hope you enjoy reading about our thoughts and experiences of being a Horizon CDT PhD student and would welcome your comments and feedback.

Please take a look at our Research Highlights page which provides an overview of all student cohorts backdating to 2011.


Rethinking Credit: Can Trust and Transparency Offer a Fairer Alternative to Credit Scoring?

post by Ana Rita Pena (2019 cohort) For the past year, I have collaborated with the Centre for Responsible Credit (CfRC); a charity working to improve consumer credit regulation and lending practices with a particular focus on lower-income households. Our collaboration made possible with an EPSRC Horizon CDT Impact Grant, has explored whether trusting and …

Mastering Networking and Outreach: Insights from GSE and AoIR Conferences

post by Giovanni Sciazza (2020 cohort) Outreaching and networking at conferences In this blog post, I will talk about two conferences I attended as part of widening study participation and networking with future collaborators. First, I will discuss my preparation process for conferences and outreach, then discuss the two events and conclude with some take-home …

From Ideas to Impact: My Internship Experience at Obu Invest

post by Ramneek (Athwal) Rai (2023 cohort) What a great 3 months! I completed my internship over the summer with Obu Invest, a business that is dedicated to addressing the inequalities that exist within the entrepreneurship and investment space. The impact business works towards closing the gender investment gap by creating an angel investment platform …


Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training, University of Nottingham,
Computer Science, Jubilee Campus, Wollaton Rd, Nottingham, NG8 1BB

Jubilee campus was opened by Her Majesty the Queen in 1999 and now extends to 65 acres. Located just one mile from University Park it has a wide range of teaching and leisure facilities, including a state of the art fitness centre.

More information on the campus can be found on the University of Nottingham website: Campus and Facilities and Transport links.