Safe and Trusted AI: Insights from the Summer School Attendance

post by Farid Vayani (2020 cohort)

The “Safe and Trustworthy AI” (STAI) summer school, which Imperial College held in July over three days, brought together renowned academics, industry experts and students, providing a platform to learn the cutting-edge research and developments in artificial intelligence (AI). It fostered critical thinking about the ethical issues of AI and its influence on society. The event included discussions on the ethical challenges, advances in Explainable AI (XAI), deep reinforcement learning, AI-driven cybersecurity risks, and the importance of integrating ethical considerations and interdisciplinary collaboration for the development of safe and trustworthy AI systems. The event also provided an opportunity to reflect on the methodologies and constraints of the research paper titled “BabyAI: A Platform to Study the Sample Efficiency of Grounded Language Learning”.

AI’s Ethical Challenges:
The talks and subsequent discussions focused on the effects of AI on job displacement and workers’ rights, where we discussed the delicate balance between artificial intelligence automation and its influence on the work market. Concerns over pervasive surveillance, as well as the necessity for transparent AI governance, were debated. The ethical implications of AI’s inclusion into the legal system were of participants’ interest because of the potential bias and discrimination of AI-driven decision-making.

Data ethics diagram
Figure 1: AI Landscape

The speaker used real-world examples that raised serious ethical problems, such as the highly criticised algorithm COMPAS (CorrecEonal Offender Management Profiling for AlternaEve SancEons) which is used in the US criminal justice system allegedly perpetuating systemic racial bias. The Cambridge Analytica scandal where data from 87 million Facebook users was exposed via a quiz app, which took advantage of a flaw in Facebook’s API, leading to security and privacy problems which was exacerbated by its use for political purposes. The event surfaced the complexity of the AI landscape and equally the significance of translating legal provisions into efficient business practices.

Explainable AI (XAI):
The event also drew attention to XAI, a key aspect of AI research aimed at improving transparency and interpretability of AI systems. Speakers showed various techniques for interpreting AI models and understanding their decision-making processes, ensuring trustworthiness and accountability in AI applications. XAI has emerged as a significant field of study, addressing the black-box (see Figure 2) nature of complex AI algorithms, and striving to make AI more understandable and explainable to end-users and stakeholders.

diagram of AI Interpretable vs Black box model
Figure 2: Type of AI Interpretable vs Black box model

Deep Reinforcement Learning:
Speakers discussed the progressions in deep reinforcement learning (DRL), which has garnered significant attention for its notable capabilities in enabling AI systems to learn complex tasks through trial and error. DRL combines deep learning and reinforcement learning, allowing AI agents to learn from experience and decide in dynamic environments. Discussions revolved around the potential of DRL to revolutionise various domains, such as robotics, gaming and more. However, ethical considerations were highlighted as DRL presents challenges in ensuring safety, fairness, and accountability.

Review of “BabyAI” Research Paper:
The student-led activity involved reviewing the research paper titled “BabyAI: A PlaBorm to Study the Sample Efficiency of Grounded Language Learning.” The paper introduced the BabyAI research platform, designed to facilitate human-AI collaboration in grounded language learning. The platform offered an extensible suite of levels, gradually leading the AI agent to acquire a rich synthetic language, similar to a subset of English. The research presented in the paper highlighted the challenges of training AI agents to comprehend human language instructions effectively. The platform could serve as an important tool for researchers to test methods for DRL, it would suffer from scaling and the opacity of the algorithm which raises the question of whether AI agents learnt the language for human machine interaction or did they just learn to solve the test presented. It calls for further research to improve sample efficiency in grounded language learning to interact with and understand natural language instructions more proficiently.

AI-Driven Cybersecurity:
Speaker from the industry devoted to AI-driven cybersecurity. They showed novel ways that adversaries could exploit AI-generated attacks for automatic discovery of zero-day attacks, methods of malware propagation, and adversarial attacks on defensive systems. The event underscored the necessity for vigilance and collaborative efforts to safeguard digital infrastructures from the evolving AI-based threats. While AI has shown potential to enhance cybersecurity measures, it clearly has introduced new challenges, that demand sophisticated countermeasures.

Ethics and Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Safe AI:
Throughout the event, the importance of integrating ethical considerations into AI development and deployment was emphasised. Ethical AI frameworks are essential to ensure that AI technologies align with societal values and protect individuals’ rights and privacy. Moreover, interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists, engineers, ethicists, policymakers, and other stakeholders is vital for a consistent approach to AI development that prioritises human well-being and safety.

The Way Forward:
The various talks and discussions during the event revealed that regulation and policy alone cannot fully address the complex challenges in managing AI risks such as the European Union’s AI regulation is an important step in the right direction, however, the speakers and participants underscored that more comprehensive approaches are needed to ensure that AI systems function ethically and responsibly. These approaches include integrating solid safety engineering principles into AI development and embedding ethical considerations in the impact assessment, design, validation, and testing.

In conclusion, the STAI event shed light on the ethical challenges and advancements in AI research, emphasising the significance of integrating ethics into AI development, considering distributive fairness, privacy protection, and responsible practices. The quest for ethical AI remains an ongoing journey, where interdisciplinary collaboration, solid safety engineering processes, and thoughtful regulation play pivotal roles in shaping the future of responsible AI technology, one that benefits people.

Attending the 20th Annual Qualitative Research Summer Intensive  

post by Jenn Layton Annable (2020 cohort)

As an autistic PhD student, the benefits and opportunities gained at Postgraduate Summer Schools are of course the same for me as everyone else. As an autistic person though, the travel, overwhelming venues and intense social interaction can make attendance often challenging and sometimes impossible. The chance to participate in the two-day online ‘Fundamentals of Qualitative Research’, part of the wider 20th Annual Qualitative Research Summer Intensive, which was delivered digitally was a chance to attend a summer school avoiding the associated difficulties I have because of my neurodivergence.

The classes were led by Johnny Saldana across both days; a highly experienced qualitative methods researcher and author, with content adapted from his book ‘Qualitative Research Analyzing Life. Prior to registering for the summer intensive class, I discussed the course with my supervision team, sharing its outcomes along with the background and professional experience of Johnny. Specific points of connection to my own work were Johnny’s focus on arts-based methods, an area of research which had emerged as relevant to my academic disciplines, positionality and aspirations.

The fundamentals class was advertised as being suitable for beginners, to gain a wider understanding of qualitative methods, as well as a refresher for more experienced academics who also wanted to develop skills and experience in teaching qualitative enquiry in the context of their practice. These different aspects of the course and its convener made it applicable to my current PhD research stage. As I am writing my year one progression review document, I am required to complete a methods and methodology statement. Despite engaging with different texts, I felt I lacked confidence and knowledge in this area because I had yet not been able to find a taught course relevant to what I was interested in. The fundamentals course offered the chance to evaluate the conclusions I had reached about which methods I hoped to use, learn more about how to develop a research study design that included them and justify the choices I had made, or not, in my progression review.

Having started my PhD journey six months into the pandemic I have engaged with numerous and varied platforms, formats and degrees of success in the delivery of study materials. One of my earliest memories within the Horizon CDT lockdown offering was that of a teams call where the sound simply would not be made to work, despite a number of experienced computer science professors in attendance. Since then there has been a running CDT joke of how many computer scientists it takes to make a video conference work. At the time the answer was more than we had available.

The content, technical and personal delivery of the fundamentals course was flawless. Johnny used a mix of slides and verbal delivery supplemented with short video and sound bytes from popular films and television series. The latter inclusion was especially welcomed, breaking up what might have been, at times, dry study matter with humour and wit, as well as making the learning accessible via its presentation through popular culture characters and plots. Johnny was supported by a number of participant facilitators who organised breakout rooms, read data examples and prompted questions and comments that appeared in the chat function. This avoided breaking the flow of the course and ensured excellent timekeeping. Anyone considering a digitally delivered course would do well to research the provider and their experience in digital conferences and study. It is very easy, with the whole internet available on a second tab to become distracted whilst learning remotely. I am pleased to say this was not something I struggled with; a testimony to the smooth delivery and technical capabilities of the support and administration teams as much as Johnny’s obvious expertise in and enjoyment of qualitative research.

A balance was struck between delivered materials and practical exercises throughout the course. Over the two days, there were several chances to practise the skills being taught. These included a multi-stage data analysis exercise together with individual and collaborative autoethnographic writing in small breakout rooms to enhance understanding of how key assertions are constructed from coding and thematic analysis. This connected the theory being taught with practical applications, essential in embedding learning. It also enabled the chance to consider how each person might want to adapt what they did, with input from Johnny in real-time.

Overall, the fundamental course was one of the better, if not the best, multiple-participant online learning experiences I have had to date. I have gained insight into best practices in the delivery of higher-level learning through digital formats as well as how to present to and engage with students and audiences digitally. These additional indirect benefits were not explicitly stated in the course objectives, however, my attendance developed my academic ‘soft skills’ of presentation, course design and delivery alongside my knowledge in the discipline of qualitative research. Seeking and being aware of additional value such as this in different learning contexts has been invaluable in my professional development whilst undertaking my PhD.

As I have hoped to demonstrate, my personal preference for attending virtual conferences and classes extends beyond my accessibility needs is well justified. I have found that the virtual opening up of such events makes opportunities to meet, learn from and engage with people from a wider variety of cultures, backgrounds and professional career levels much greater. The Covid-19 pandemic necessitated moving events online. Many have chosen to remain so, either running parallel in-person/digital tracks, the opportunity to watch live streams or developing new types of hybrid attendance. This general trend towards different ways of participation is exciting and relevant to my research subject as well as my professional development. I am exploring how digital communities of female perceived autistic people can find collective meaning together through digital communities of interest situated in digital spaces like Facebook, Reddit, Discord Servers and digital messenger apps. The strategies developed organically within these contexts might inform the creation of more effective digital learning and academic community building, and vice versa.

For anyone interested in accessing academic communities of interest I would highly recommend exploring such platforms and asking for recommendations for suitable groups within professional networks. If nothing is available perhaps think about setting one up yourself. This style of academic connecting and networking is increasingly encouraged and recognised, within the framework of social media platforms as a valuable place to connect with other scholars, as well as seek participants. Johnny Saldana, in the fundamentals course, encouraged participants towards this type of professional relationship forming, as did the convener of another course on autoethnography as a research method that I attended online earlier in the year.

The worth of digital communities as places to seek diverse academic study, publishing and conference presentation opportunities can no longer be denied. I would encourage academics at all levels of their career to utilise these if they have not already done so.




An enrichment event with care-experienced young people

post by Cecily Pepper (2019 cohort)

My research surrounds the exploration of how social media can impact the mental wellbeing of care-experienced young people. In June 2023, I ran an enrichment event for young people in care with the help of my supervisor, Elvira Perez Vallejos. As my doctorate journeys into its final stages, it was important to me to consider how I can maximise the impact of my work. Along with public engagements and presentations, Nottingham City Council and I decided that a broadening horizons event at the university would be the most impactful for the young people. With the help of Mark Ball, who has kindly offered advice and support throughout my research regarding safeguarding, Elvira and I set to work on the organisation of an event that would be both enjoyable and offer the opportunity to discuss higher education and research.

Along with Nottingham City Council, we decided to reach out to the Cobot Maker Space: an innovative space that explores human-robotic interaction at the University of Nottingham ( While this space is not directly linked to my research, it was thought to be an ideal choice for the visitors as it’s an interactive and fun space that would be enjoyable and inspiring. The Cobot Maker Space kindly agreed to hosting the event and providing fun demonstrations, whilst also generously gifting the young people with a robotics kit.

After liaising with the stakeholders, the enrichment event was organised for June 2023. The event consisted of a tour of the Jubilee campus, interactive demonstrations led by the Cobot Maker Space team, and (crucially) pizza and snacks. The young people were encouraged to ask any questions they had regarding university or higher education, which they did indeed take the opportunity to do so. All of the young people asked questions about college or university, asking about different courses and paths into higher education. It was a pleasure to have these discussions with them and we spoke about how care experience might impact this. I spoke about my research with care-experienced young people who have been to university, showing that it is possible for anyone to go to university if they want to, despite the challenges they face and how unlikely it may seem for them.

The young people and their residential carers thoroughly enjoyed the event, with the cobot demonstrations being incredibly well-received. Feedback received from social workers showed how excited the young people were, with them talking about research and robotics with the other young people and staff when they got home. This feedback was greatly appreciated, and we were very pleased that the event had been impactful for the young people. In addition to this, the event also had an impact on the university staff and researchers, as it triggered discussions surrounding further outreach events such as after-school clubs for care-experienced young people and people from other minority groups.

Overall, the enrichment event was successful, and I’m pleased to say it made a positive impact on the young people. I’d like to extend my thanks to everybody involved, but especially the researchers at the Cobot Maker Space who went the extra mile to ensure the event was fun, interactive and inspiring.

Participatory methods for digital inclusion

post by Oliver Miles (2018 cohort)

Reflections on values orientated ideation as an outreach activity

I previously reflected on my research internship with digital accessibility and mobility start-up ‘CityMaaS’, focussing on the resulting ‘drivers and barriers to digital inclusion’ report and my own experiences of working in the world of start-ups. In this post I’ll focus instead on the leadership and methods I brought to the work – a participatory ideation workshop drawing on principals of values-sensitive design (VSD) [1] – positioning this as a form of outreach to two key stakeholders: CityMaaS as the host organization and corporate professionals as participants.

As an independent researcher embedded with CityMaaS I was asked to critically uncover the drivers and barriers to digital inclusion services across three diverse B2B organizations from financial, healthcare, and higher education sectors that were current or potential clients.

Figure 1 – Speculative use case ideation

This first entailed understanding the host organization’s perspective on digital inclusion priorities, by listening to CityMaaS software and digital inclusion subject matter experts and building a detailed inventory of their solutions in terms of core features and functions.  These would later serve as card-based options and provocations in a collaborative workshop.

Considering participant organizations, I then spoke to heads of web and digital, interviewing them regarding their journeys and priorities regarding digital inclusion, with a view to uncovering core themes which could be positioned as corporate ‘practical values’ [2]. These were presented alongside software features and functions in later ideation workshops for wider web and digital teams to participate in, with a view to articulating speculative use cases.

In the example above, participants reason that the accessibility questionnaire feature of the web-page personalization tool ‘Assist Me’, considering its user data dashboard functionality, might be applied to the everyday internal practice of raising support tickets for the end-users. Conceivably, this might fulfil the chosen practical value of ‘deriving knowledge of end-users through their interaction data’ (Figure 1).

This process was repeated for three practical values chosen as priority issues across three existing software solutions using a card-based framework inspired by VSD, presented in Miro[1] (Figure 2). This resulted in a final ‘wildcard’ digital inclusion software solution being incrementally articulated, tailored to the needs of the participant. Aside from these research output, I would outline the following two benefits of the approach I took as relevant to outreach objectives.

Sharing a replicable, inclusive methodology: The VSD ideation workshop is inclusive as a practice, and in terms of the method, and can easily be reappropriated in future projects requiring participatory or deliberative approaches.

Advocating for an important equality, diversity, and inclusion issue: I was able to participate in CityMaaS’ broad stated agenda of improving ‘…the way the disabled community consumes accessibility data and services’ by contributing to raising corporate awareness of the challenges of web-accessibility, digital mapping and real-world navigation, and alignment to global web-accessibility standards [3]. As participatory methods emphasise the importance of all stakeholders working toward a shared objective, which in this case was ‘journeys to digital inclusion’, I felt this enabled constructive interactions that did not conflict with my ability to critically reflect on strengths and weaknesses in either the participant’s responses, or CityMaaS’ offering more broadly.


[1]        T. Winkler and S. Spiekermann, “Twenty years of value sensitive design: a review of methodological practices in VSD projects,” Ethics Inf Technol, vol. 23, no. 1, 2021, doi: 10.1007/s10676-018-9476-2.

[2]        T. Nilsson, J. E. Fischer, A. Crabtree, M. Goulden, J. Spence, and E. Costanza, “Visions, Values, and Videos: Revisiting Envisionings in Service of UbiComp Design for the Home,” 2020, doi: 10.1145/3357236.3395476.

[3]        CityMaaS, “Homepage,”, Jun. 03, 2022.




Call for Participants – Biometric Recognition of the Hand in Uncontrolled Images

post by Gabrielle Hornshaw (2021 cohort)


My name is Gabrielle and I am a second-year PhD candidate at the Horizon Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT). I am looking for participants to contribute data to a new hand image dataset and earn a £10 Amazon voucher in return (first 50 respondents).

We are aiming to collect a wide variety of images of each participant’s hands, under different lighting conditions and performing different poses and gestures. To do this, we will be asking for 8 short videos (like these: to be self-recorded and uploaded by participants. These recordings should take no more than 5 minutes in total but be done across a period of at least 1 day.

This data will be used to develop techniques for hand matching (deciding whether two hands are the same or not) with the aim to improve investigative processes in cases of abuse with perpetrator-recorded images, where hands can feature more often than faces. Automation of this analysis can improve the efficiency of investigations and reduce some of the human burden of viewing harmful material.

For more information on the project please see the information sheet below. For more detailed recording instructions, and to confirm your participation and submit your videos, please visit this survey:

If you do not have a University of Nottingham email address to complete the survey and would still like to participate, please email me directly at

Please feel free to contact me with any further questions.

Best regards,
Gabrielle Hornshaw

Information Sheet

Reflecting on my placement with RSSB

post by Sam Smith (2021 cohort)

In Autumn 2022, I spent 3 months completing a placement in the Human Factors team at RSSB (Rail Safety and Standards Board). The placement was remote, but I was invited to come and see the office before I started. The office is in London and has a very modern but welcoming atmosphere. I enjoyed a morning being shown around the office and meeting new colleagues, followed by a couple of briefings to chat about the project and what my contributions would be.

The project that I was working on was looking at the Safety Management Intelligence System (SMIS). SMIS is a system that is designed to be a central data hub for reporting safety incidents within the rail industry. Specifically, we were interested in encouraging Train Operating Companies (TOCs) to engage more actively with SMIS. Initially, given my background in mathematics, I was tasked with delving into the data and uncovering insights that would encourage TOCs to invest more time into inputting all their incidents.

Despite finding some surface-level insights, it was clear that without some guidance from the TOCs themselves, I was searching blindly through the data. I made the decision that it was crucial to speak to TOCs to understand why they weren’t already engaging with SMIS and what their expectations were. I communicated with my team at RSSB, and we set up some meetings with TOCs. Over the next period, I conducted a series of interviews which were useful in understanding the perspectives of the different companies.

Each week my team and I had a catch-up meeting to discuss the work we had done and plan the next steps. It was useful to discuss the findings of my meetings and what other parts of the team had found so that I could improve for the upcoming interviews. Over a period of a month or so, I completed several meetings and made copious notes about the different perspectives. I then collated my findings and created a final presentation I shared with my team at RSSB.

During my placement, I used several different skills that will be useful during my PhD. I conducted some basic data analysis before identifying a fundamental problem with the task briefing. After identifying the problem, I communicated it with my team and proposed a solution that was feasible and sensible. In order to do this, I had to present the problem in a digestible and comprehensive way. I found that this was a daunting task to start with because I hadn’t been involved in an industry project before and I was unsure whether it was my place to suggest changes. Of course, the team was hugely receptive to my suggestions and that gave me confidence moving forward.

Another challenge was conducting interviews with industry professionals because it was my first time doing anything like that. Judging the tone of the interviews was difficult but I improved over the course of the placement. In the end, I felt more confident communicating with stakeholders, which is something that will be immensely helpful in my PhD. Something that I learned during this process was that each stakeholder had very contrasting views, despite their similar standpoint, so it is important to not assume any perspectives.

Overall, the placement was incredibly useful for me to see how industry works and to be exposed to new challenges. While the content of the work wasn’t directly comparable to my PhD, the skills I developed and the challenges I faced will help me complete the PhD. I am very grateful to the Human Factors team at RSSB for their support and guidance throughout the PhD. I would recommend anyone to get involved in projects where they have a good amount of creative license and responsibility as it can really help develop you as a researcher.

Call for Participants – Sustainable Food Study

post by Milly Clover (2021 cohort)

Interested in shaping the future of sustainable food systems in the UK?

The Sensory Science Centre is seeking participants for an online survey as part of the Sustainable Food Study and we would love for you to get involved!

To participate in the survey, you will need to meet the following criteria:

      • Be aged 18 years or older
      • Be a UK resident

If you meet the criteria andwould like to take part in the survey, please click on the link below. The survey will begin with the participant information sheet and consent form. Please read them for full details of the study. Providing you meet the eligibility criteria and consent to partaking, you will be asked a series of questions relating to the sustainability of our food in the UK. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. As a thank you for your time and participation, you have the option to be entered into a prize draw at the end of the survey by submitting your email address. This is to be in with a chance of winning 1 of 5 £20 Amazon vouchers.

Study Link:

If the link to the survey is not working, please copy and paste the link into the browser.

Please feel free to forward this onto others who are interested in participating in this survey. Alternatively, you can pass on the research team details if they would like to contact us directly:
(Milly Clover, Survey Coordinator:

Many thanks in advance,

Milly Clover
PhD Student in Sustainable Food Systems
Horizon CDT 2021 Cohort

The Intersection of AI and Animal Welfare in Cat Royale: A Reflection on Public Engagement as a Computer Vision Expert

post by Keerthy Kusumam (2017 cohort)

Recently, I had the chance to be a part of an interview video that focused on my role as a computer vision expert in the upcoming project, Cat Royale, developed by Blast Theory. This project aims to explore the impact of AI on animals and specifically, cats. As a computer vision expert, I was thrilled to share my work and knowledge with the audience.

Reflecting back on the experience, I realize that my main aim for the video was to educate the public about the use of computer vision technology in animal welfare. The field of animal welfare has always been close to my heart, and I saw this opportunity as a way to demonstrate the impact that technology can have in this area. The Cat Royale project is a unique and creative way to showcase the application of computer vision technology in animal welfare, and I wanted to highlight this aspect of the project in the video.

The target audience for the video was the general public with an interest in technology, AI, and animal welfare. To reach this audience, I had to consider and adapt my language and presentation to suit their level of understanding and interest. I broke down the concept of computer vision technology and its application in the Cat Royale project into simple terms that could be easily understood by everyone. I also emphasized the importance of involving experts in animal welfare in the design of the project to ensure the comfort and safety of the cats.

In the video, I discussed how the computer vision system in Cat Royale measures the happiness of the cats and learns how to improve it. I highlighted the unique design of the utopia created for the cats, where their every need is catered for, and how the computer vision system understands the activities to make the cats happier. I explained that the ultimate goal of the project was to demonstrate the potential of computer vision technology in improving animal welfare.

One of the biggest challenges I faced in the video was ensuring that I provided enough technical detail for the audience to understand the concept of computer vision technology, while also keeping it simple enough for a general audience to grasp. To achieve this balance, I used analogies and examples that related to the audience’s everyday lives, making it easier for them to understand the concept.

It is important to note that people often assume that the computer vision system makes decisions about the happiness state of the cats. However, this is not the case. In fact, it is the cat experts who identify a list of behaviours that show the happiness state of the cats. The computer vision system can then reliably detect these behaviours, which inform the happy or not happy state of the cat.

In conclusion, the interview video was a great opportunity for me to share my work and knowledge with a wider audience and to spread awareness about the exciting possibilities of computer vision technology in the field of animal welfare. The Cat Royale project is a unique and creative way to showcase the application of computer vision technology in animal welfare, and I was thrilled to be a part of it. The experience has also given me a new perspective on the importance of adapting my presentation to suit my audience and ensuring that my message is effectively communicated.

Publishing Conference Paper – A valuable experience

post by Keerthy Kusumam (2017 cohort)

I published my conference paper, ”Unsupervised face manipulation via hallucination” in the International Conference on Pattern Recognition. The paper focused on a generative computer vision method to alter the pose and expression of a facial image in an unsupervised manner. I spent several months conducting experiments, analyzing the results, and discussing our findings. I received valuable feedback from my supervisors, which helped us to improve the quality of our work.

After the initial submission, I received comments from reviewers who provided suggestions for revisions. I took these comments into consideration and worked hard to make the necessary changes. This process was challenging as well as rewarding in the end. The paper was accepted to be presented as an oral presentation at the conference. The reception of our paper was quite positive and received several questions and comments from attendees. This was a valuable opportunity for me to network and receive feedback.

The motivation behind writing my conference paper was to explore the current state of face manipulation technology and to identify potential future directions for research in this area. As a 2nd year PhD student, I wanted to demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of the field, as well as contribute to the use of generative AI in face manipulation tasks. My main objective was to present a comprehensive overview of the current state of the field and to identify areas that could benefit from further research, especially behavioural monitoring in affective computing. In these areas, data is limited, and the use of generative AI can synthesize realistic data for further analysis.

I approached the research process by first conducting a thorough literature review to understand the current state of face manipulation technology and to identify gaps in the current research. I then used various research methods, such as conducting interviews with experts in the field and collecting data from various sources, such as academic journals, conference proceedings, and online forums. I also conducted experiments to validate some of my findings.

My key findings showed that the field of face manipulation is rapidly advancing and that there are many promising areas for future research. I discovered that there are various technical and ethical challenges that must be addressed to ensure that face manipulation technology is used responsibly. These findings impacted my original objectives by reinforcing the need for further research in this area and by highlighting the importance of responsible development and use of face manipulation technology.

I presented my research in the conference paper using a clear and concise writing style, and by using various visual aids, such as diagrams, graphs, and tables, to help illustrate my points. I also used a logical structure, with clear introductions, conclusions, and recommendations, to ensure that my ideas were easily understood by the conference audience. I also made sure to clearly state my findings and to provide context for each of the points I was making. The contributions were accompanied by experimental evidence.

One of the main challenges I faced while writing the conference paper was ensuring that my research was comprehensive and up-to-date. To overcome this, I made sure to regularly consult with my supervisors and to gather feedback from my peers. I also took the time to review relevant literature and to stay informed about the latest developments in the field.

As a result of writing the conference paper, my understanding of the topic of generative computer vision methods has deepened, and I have gained a better appreciation for the complex and rapidly evolving nature of this field. I have also gained a deeper understanding of the technical and ethical challenges that must be addressed to ensure responsible development and use of face manipulation technology.

The feedback I received from the conference audience was quite positive. Many attendees commented on the comprehensiveness of the research. Some attendees suggested areas for further research, which I have since incorporated into my future plans, especially in using this method to anonymize face datasets.

Overall, my conference paper on unsupervised face manipulation via hallucination was a valuable experience that allowed me to contribute to the field of generative computer vision and gain valuable insights into the complex nature of this field. The research process allowed me to deepen my understanding of the technical and ethical challenges that must be addressed in order to ensure responsible development and use of face manipulation technology.